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The Illusion

The illusion
Book published in: March 2021.

Genre: Fantasy: mix of paranormal, magic, visit to other worlds

A different type of fantasy, which is not titillating but with something to think about.

Publishing details

Paperback on Amazon: $14.99

ebook on Amazon: $3.99

ebook on other stores (Kobo, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Baker & Taylor, Tolino, Overdrive, Bibliotheca, Vivlio, Scribd, Angus & Robertson, Nook, Thalia, $3.99

Plot summary:

Two college-goers and two teens plan a trek along a sanctuary. On way to the trek, the leader witnesses goons snatching a money bag from an old man. He challenges the goons and is abducted. He runs away from the captivity. Goons learn about their trekking plan, separate them and chase them individually into the forest.

While the actions happen on the earth, all are sucked into a new world in which they can fly but feel no hunger, thirst or sleep. This world's inhabitants join the two groups, and it leads to a fight to the finish.

In yet another realm, the goings-on appear as videos, and solutions are offered through rhymes and riddles.

The boys insist that the illusion is nothing but a mix-up of a video game with some oriental magic. But who did it, and how? Was there a purpose behind it?
